DIA 1 12/09/23 At the bus station in Logroño, we took the bus to Bilbao, which lasted an hour and fifteen minutes towards the airport. Once we had checked in our suitcases and passed security, the teacher Pilar stayed outside. We went to have lunch at Burger King; unfortunately, the flight was delayed for an hour. The flight went quickly for me, because I fell asleep and watched a part of a movie. When we finally arrived at Dublin airport, all our classmates were sending us messages asking where we were, as they were very anssius to see us. Finally, we met with the Irish and our classmates from the three weeks. Later, we got on the bus and, after two and a half hours, we made a stop. I bought something to eat and we got back on the bus. When we arrived at Scoil Poil, the teacher took us to our house. Conor and I were taken to Ardpatrick, the village where Conor lived. I met his mother, Teresa, his brother Declan, Marina, Declan's girlfriend, and Luna, one of the dogs. O...